Gosia Porwit
Aktywność użytkownika:
Interesting article, thank you for writing Lwów, Gosia
excellent, as usual
brak reakcji Rządu Polskiego, placacego pensje tej pani, boli jeszcze bardziej niż jej bezczelność,
This is very sad and shameful: "Polish media" in Poland did not even mention the anniversary..
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Who am I? Get to know me closer
I am using this platform to continue the battle against revisionism and propaganda. Poland fought and suffered and are now being attacked in a variety of ways for various agendas.
In the name of historical accuracy and truth, we must respond.
Jews & Poles Database
Check the compendium of informations about Polish-Jews relations and encounters.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act
- George Orwell
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