Articles from category: Beginning of World War II

The First Transport of Poles to Auschwitz
When most people think of the Holocaust, they think of Jewish victims and that is especially true of Auschwitz. Yet that is factually incorrect. Auschwitz and the beginning of the German genocide in Poland was actually not aimed at the Jews, it was the Poles that were the targets.
- Current issues
- Beginning of World War II
- German occupation
- Soviet occupation
- Soviet Union
- Biographical notes
- Heroes
- Villains
- Podcasts
- Documentaries
- Second Polish Republic
- Third Polish Republic
- Soviet German relations
- Polish Armed Forces in the West
- Polish Jewish relations
- Polish Ukrainian relations
- Polish American relations
- Polish British relations
- Non-Polish related

Who am I? Get to know me closer
I am using this platform to continue the battle against revisionism and propaganda. Poland fought and suffered and are now being attacked in a variety of ways for various agendas.
In the name of historical accuracy and truth, we must respond.
Jews & Poles Database
Check the compendium of informations about Polish-Jews relations and encounters.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act
- George Orwell