Articles from category: Polish Jewish relations

Attitudes and assistance to Jews in Wilno by Poles
Much has been written about Polish participation in the mass killings of Jews in the summer of 1941. Jedwabne, Radzilow, Tykocin and other small towns in the Bialystok region. According to the thesis of professor Jan T Gross, Polish participation in the killing of Jews was widespread across former Eastern Polish territories. This has proven quite bogus as for the number claims and it does not provide historical context as to what had taken place just prior to this in eastern Poland with the mass murders of Poles by their Jewish neighbors. Killings may have taken place, but not to the extent that Gross writes, but these killings also came because of a need for revenge. A human desire to avenge the atrocities committed against your families. This context has to be provided to comprehend this in its entirety. MORE INFORMATION (
Jewish Ghettos in German-occupied Poland during World War II
Dr. Kurek received her doctorate in history from the Catholic University of Lublin in Poland. She is the author of four books and numerous articles devoted to the history of World War II. She explores Jewish Ghettos in German-occupied Poland.
Jedwabne. It's not what you think. The true story of Jedwabne and what really happened.
“It happened the next day after we made the discovery that changed everything. We were one step away from getting answers. Suddenly, everything stopped.” Do you really want to know what happened at the Jedwabne pogrom? Here I will explain this mystery finally in detail so the world can know all of the facts and the twisted agenda behind it. Did the Poles participate in this "pogrom"? Find out once and for all.
Aleksander Ładoś and the Ładoś Group
Aleksander Ładoś and his group issued up to 10,000 passports. This recently uncovered information provides how involved this Pole and others were in saving thousands of Jews.
ZEGOTA - the Polish council to aid Jews.
"When faced with crimes, one cannot remain passive. Whoever remains silent in the face of murder, becomes an accomplice to the murderer. Whoever does not condemn it, condones it." This was Zofia Kossak's public appeal in “Protest”, issued by the Front for the Revival of Poland, the underground extension of the Catholic Action. That appeal became the symbolic beginning of the secret initiative to aid Jews, "Żegota". If any group from World War II, the Holocaust should be known it should be Zegota.
The true terrible unknown story of the arrest, torture, and execution of Polish Captain Witold Pilecki, the man who tried to warn the world about the Holocaust
Imagine being betrayed by the same people you put your life at risk to save. Dying by them. This happened. It was a true story. It happened to a hero. A man of unimaginable integrity and nobility. That man was Witold Piliecki.
Żydokomuna in Poland?
Wikipedia and other sites, as well as individuals, say this term is derogatory and racist. But what if the correlation between Communism and Jews is true? Did Poles have the right to assume that many Jews were Communists? Could Żydokomuna be a term used as a defense to avoid dialogue and accountability? In the Communist Party of Poland, those that were "active" in certain areas mostly consisted of people of Jewish descent, who, for example, were in so-called technology (printing, courier communication, etc.), they constituted approximately 75 percent of the members. This incorporated into other various areas and lay at the root of the fairly widespread functioning Jewish “myth” of being "threats to Poland." Can "myths" be true? Given that Jews were at most 1 percent of citizens in Poland at the time, the situation seems quite clear he wrote: "In the light of the presented statistical data, the thesis about the high participation of Jews and people of Jewish origin in the leadership of the UB was formulated on the basis of true premises and as such reflects the historical fact." Probably the most accurate data on an interesting topic was given by Dr. Krzysztof Szwagrzyk in the "IPN Bulletin in 2005.
"Pogroms" in Poland? Really? Please tell me more?
We often hear about the so-called Polish pogroms, but what were they really? And who actually committed them? Does pogrom always have to be a "Jewish" term? Can Jews commit pogroms? Let's take an objective look at these "pogroms" in Poland and what really happened.
Moral double-standards regarding the judgement of Poles
Popular Jewish convention demands collective Jewish innocence and a correspondingly collective Gentile evil. Period. In this context, Wladyslaw Bartoszewski addresses today’s chronic double standard held for Jews and Poles in the World War II situation: "While the Polish masses are criticized or condemned for their reluctance to help the Jews … a double standard is applied towards those members of the Jewish community who worked in Jewish Councils … [They] are excused, on the grounds that they had little choice, much more willingly than those Gentiles whose caution or fear prevented them from offering help to Jews … Most Poles particularly resent this application of a double standard to those Jewish individuals who were active in, and high-ranking members of the Communist Party, and especially the security police … No one … can claim that he or (very often) she had to be a member of the Stalinist political force or judiciary and, for one reason or another, had no choice but to torture and kill their innocent political opponents.”
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Who am I? Get to know me closer
I am using this platform to continue the battle against revisionism and propaganda. Poland fought and suffered and are now being attacked in a variety of ways for various agendas.
In the name of historical accuracy and truth, we must respond.
Jews & Poles Database
Check the compendium of informations about Polish-Jews relations and encounters.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act
- George Orwell