I am Edward Reid and I am a historian that specializes in Polish World War II history as well as media. The reasons, political, cultural, xenophobic, and especially now monetarily, all are morally wrong and I feel strongly that people should not be manipulated into believing something so inherently historically distorted for contemptible purposes. |
Poland, overwhelmingly a Christian and honorable country suffered terribly both at the hands of Nazi Germans and Soviets has had so little told about its unimaginable tragedy during and after the war and when her story was shared it was shared deceptively now should for the sake of posterity have her tale told.
As an American I have always been fascinated with the story of Poland, the country that was betrayed by the allies and I was first introduced to the history when I picked up a book in a used book store when I was a kid, “I saw Poland Betrayed”, by Arthur Bliss Lane and was astounded that such a noble country like the US did such a terrible thing to Poland that fought so hard against the Nazis.
I was ashamed and felt personally affected by this event and wanted to somehow make things right. So I began studying Polish history and eventually moved to Poland to teach for a year. I spent about a decade studying Polish history.
The Holocaust affected me greatly, but I was always frustrated with the narrative in the United States that basically leaves out the suffering of Non-Jews. It seemed such a tragic event and leaving out five million people – three million Poles was almost offensive. Most Americans only know about “six million”. I feel no one should have a market on suffering. I make sure that everyone I meet knows how the Poles suffered.
For the sake of posterity and historical accuracy, I feel the truth about Poland should be told. With all of its faults as well, that may be considered politically incorrect, but the truth is still the truth and isn’t that what historians are supposed to do?
I produce videos in defense of Poland and the truth about historical accuracy. I also post personal videos sometimes sharing little known facts about Polish history. It is my intention to bring the incredible stories of Poland to the public. There are so many amazing untold tales about courage and bravery that I feel people would be drawn too.
That is my intention as an American with a deep love for Poland and Poles. The truth and defending Poland simply with the facts regardless of how it affects “feelings” because too long we have been relying on opinions. Opinions have poisoned the grand story of Polish history.
Truth in history is essential for people to connect the dots.
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