Mariusz Kupiec
Aktywność użytkownika:
Another book related to this subject worth to read is: “East Prussian diary: A journal of faith,1945-1947” by Hans von. Lehndorff (“Dziennik z Prus Wschodnich”).
Recently I have found this position (150 pages): Gwałty na kobietach niemieckich w schyłkowym okresie II wojny światowej (październik 1944–8/9 maja 1945 roku) i w pierwszych latach po jej zakończeniu, Tomasz Kruszewski, Wrocław 2016. My translation of title: Rapes on German women in a final period of World War II (October 1944 - 8/9 May 1945) and in the first years after its completion. This is interesting position because in chapter “The uniform nature of rapes by the troops of the four powers” one can read what allies were doing, which is less known (at least was less known to me).
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In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act
- George Orwell
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