Thank you for allowing me to talk with you. Most people are interested in their own history - their own background, especially Jewish people after all of their experiences and all they suffered. You are Jewish. Why is it that you became interested in Poland and the Poles?
Answer: I realise that like the Jewish people, no other nation was betrayed in the manner Poland was. Despite all what History Books tell us, I only learned about the horrors of the September campaign in which entire villages in their hundreds were massacred by the German Wehrmacht who up till then I ignorantly assumed were innocent but followed Hitlers orders”with regards to civilians of Polish ancestry you are to show neither pity nor mercy”. It was not uncommon for Jews to be massacred alongside Polish neighbours by fresh faced Hitler Youth Graduates who were doing the bidding of the master race by serving the so called innocent Wehrmacht. The Ethnic VOLKDEUTSCHE formed the Szebschuttze militia who massacred Polish and Jewish people in Piasnica forest known as the Kabushian Katyn.
The issue of Polish-Jewish history is controversial and complicated, why do you think so?
Answer: What needs to be understood is that from the time Jewish people fled the Teutonic Knights massacres of the Jewish community in the Rhine the Jewish people found safety and refuge in Poland Bringing with them the German based Yiddish language, soon they adapted to Poland for better or for worse in Poland’s Golden era King Mieszko and the Piast dynasty offered the Jewish community people certain priveledges and protecting, this was increased under King Kazmierz who even enacted the Death penalty against anyone who harmed the Jewish people in His Kingdom.
With certain priveleges and Success the peasant class grew hostile to them, by the time of the Ukrainian uprising Cossacks targeting Jewish people believing them to be servants of Polish Nobility overlords. When Poland was broken up and divided between Austria/Prussia/Czarist Russia a lot of Jews accepted it to the resentment of ethnic Poles who saw this as treason, yet their were prominent Jewish patriots who loved Poland. In the Russian sector the Czarist secret police even went as far as to instigate hostilities between Jews and Poles with tragic consequences.
The rise of Bolshevism attracted a number of Jewish people due to the fact that Anti-Semitism was forbidden and this tragically reinforced the untrue stereotypes that Jewish people were treasonous, yet many Jewish people hated Bolshevism as it replaced Halacha and belief in God with Statism first and many non-religious Jewish people saw that as an affront to their heritage and opted for Zionism instead.
In your experience in communicating with other Jewish people what are their overall opinions of Polish people? Why do you think that is?
Answer: This greatly varies, especially If personal family History is involved
Do you ever think that their opinion is wrong?
Answer: Blanket generalisations are wrong and hurtful both to Jews and Poles alike, yet Jewish people I spoke to did have negative encounters with Polish people in their own family History, yet again this must be stressed that these are personal and not over all experiences.
Have you ever attempted to have open dialogue with them about how you feel about Poland, the Poles, Polish history, and Polish-Jewish relationships? Answer:
Yes I advocate for Solidarity between Jews and Poles as we both share a common History with the same enemies be they Nazis or UPA even NKVD, Menachem Begin a Polish Jew who became the First right wing prime minister of Israel was deported to Siberia by Russians while his family were murdered by Germans.
What is the usual outcome? How do you feel about that?
Answer: I FEEL that people need to ask themselves how they would react in the next persons situation, would you willingly endanger your wife and children to save Someone else whos very presence could get you and your children killed? Polish people were massacred with their entire families for hiding Jewish people while Dutch and French people just got arrested and sent to concentration camps while their families were left alone so its very easy to judge people unless you find yourself in that situation.
Do you think relations can ever get better? How?
Answer: Absolutely, to start off with Jews especially Israeli youth should get to know more about Polish culture, cuisine and look for similarities and be made aware of the suffering of Polish people at the hands of Germans in the Second World War, this way both sides can build a Strong and unbreakable affinity for each other
Do you have engagements with Polish people? How is the outcome?
Answer: Yes, on a regular basis and I find them very peasant and down to Earth. Of course you get bigotry on both sides but I dont pay them attention and I dont allow it to spoil the amazing friendship I have forged with Polish people.
I know you follow my page and sometimes there are unfair and biased comments, how does that make you feel?
Answer: I think that it should be stressed that not all Jews were part of evil deeds happening just like not all Polish people were, you have good and bad in both groups.
Do you think some of those comments are justified? Can you empathize with them?
Answer: They too have a story behind them, but they must realise that hatred destroys you from within no matter who you are.
What can the Polish people do to try and create better relationships with the Jewish people?
Answer: In my opinion, I believe that finding common ground and compassion for what we both endured can go a long way in broadening both Jewish and Polish perspectives, people are not always going to agree with each other but at the end of the day never take disagreements personally, Both Jews and Poles alike need to understand this.
Volunteer to learn the History of the Jewish community that lived in your area prior to the Germans arrival, when the destruction of the Jewish community by the Germans began Poland lost an integral part of itself, Poland evolved culturally and Historically because of the Jewish people who once lived there, take Pride that one of mankinds most Ancient civilizations thrived in your home land.
What can the Jewish people do to try and create better relationships with Polish people?
Answer: Jewish people need to be properly educated about the circumstances Polish people found themselves in those dark times, and understand that Polish people are very dignified by nature so making snide remarks wont help anyone, this goes for both Jews and Poles.
Over all go visit Israel as a Pole and volunteer on a Kibbutz get to know Jewish and Israeli people. As a Jew visit Poland and interact with the people (Don’t just visit German extermination camps) there are ex Shtetls, medieval Jewish graveyards, on an individual basis and you will be surprised at how curious and friendly they are.
We both had a very unpleasant century but we both work well together as opposed to working against EACHOTHER. For example It was a team of Polish and Israeli archeologists who both made startling discoveries in the site of Sobibor something which would have never been Possible without team work. Also focus on business and trade in order to boost relationships between the two respective countries especially with regards to the High Tech /IT industry. The opportunities are limitless and rewards are bountiful for both communities to work together hand in hand after all we both Love our Pierogis and Plackis/Latkes. We have more in common with each other than we actually realise. Bearing in mind that Jewish people left their mark genetically and culturally on Poland and visa versa.
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