
Oskar Karliner - Soviet Criminal and So-called Martyr of Polish Antisemitism
Karliner was responsible for introducing the practice of prolonging arrests, unjustified exacerbation of criminal repression, and judging on the basis of uncertain evidence, pressuring the court towards the conviction of certain high penalties. This led to the convictions and deaths of innocent or patriotic Polish citizens.
“Schindler’s List," Hollywood, Holocaust Revisionism, and anti-Polish Defamation
Instead of making a movie about the country and the people that did the most to save the Jews, he makes a film about one of the few within the country that was out to eliminate them.
The Augustów Round-up “Little Katyn” or “Podlaski Katyn”
In July 1945, the Soviet secret police (NKVD), assisted by officers of the Security Office (UB), arrested several thousand of Suwałki’s (North-eastern Poland) inhabitants who were accused of collaborating with underground Polish independence organizations. At least 592 people disappeared without a trace, but according to the Association of the Memory of Victims of the 1945 Augustów Roundup, the number of murdered may be as high as 2,000.

The Koniuchy Massacre
"The village of Koniuchy became only a memory full of ashes and dead bodies. Only a few realized that a terrible murder was committed within an hour. They drank, ate, and sang all night. They enjoyed killing and destroying, and the most drinking" – said one of the participants of the murders, Paul Bagrianski, in his memories published in Israel.
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I am using this platform to continue the battle against revisionism and propaganda. Poland fought and suffered and are now being attacked in a variety of ways for various agendas.
In the name of historical accuracy and truth, we must respond.
Jews & Poles Database
Check the compendium of informations about Polish-Jews relations and encounters.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act
- George Orwell