
The Wola Massacre
The Wola massacre was the systematic killing of between 70,000 and 90,000 Poles in the Wola suburb of Warsaw, by German Wehrmacht and fellow Axis collaborators in the Aserbaidschanische Legion, as well as the mostly-Russian RONA forces.
Eastern Poland – Jewish collaboration in the Borderlands
Almost everyone knows about the so-called pogroms of Jews in Poland; although they are only so-called, practically no one knows of the pogroms committed against the Poles by Jews. These horrific crimes began the moment the Soviets entered Poland. Why don’t we know? Because the Polish were unable to write their own history. They were behind the Iron Curtain, and others were writing their story.
- Current issues
- Beginning of World War II
- German occupation
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- Second Polish Republic
- Third Polish Republic
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- Polish Armed Forces in the West
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I am using this platform to continue the battle against revisionism and propaganda. Poland fought and suffered and are now being attacked in a variety of ways for various agendas.
In the name of historical accuracy and truth, we must respond.
Jews & Poles Database
Check the compendium of informations about Polish-Jews relations and encounters.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act
- George Orwell